
Monday, March 21, 2011

Ethnic Cleansing in Palestine

What you always wanted to know about it.

This page tells you all about the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, and the massacres and war crimes that were committed and planned for Palestine.

Palestine: Genocide and Racism

The leader of the Palestinian national movement was the Grand Mufti Hajj Amin Al Husseini, a confidant of Adolf Hitler and Adolf Eichmann. This liberal gentleman explained to all who cared to know that his solution for the "Jewish Problem" in Palestine was the same as that adopted in Europe: Murder of the Jews. He proceeded to bend every effort to put his plan into action.

Here is a picture of this Palestinian Arab gentleman, (left) with his friend:

See the man at the right? He is a famous racist, Adolf Hitler. Hajj Amin Al Husseini was planning to set up a death camp near the Palestinian city of Nablus, site of the ancient city of Shechem.

Palestine: Ethnic Cleansing and war crimes in Jerusalem

The picture below shows one result of ethnic cleansing in Palestine. It shows ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem. It is a picture of the Jewish quarter of the Old City in Jerusalem, after the Jews were ethnically cleansed from Jerusalem in 1948. The eviction of the Jews from the old city in Jerusalem, where they had lived for hundreds of years in the apartheid Jews quarter, was committed by an organized army. Therefore it is a war crime. The Jordanian war criminals were never punished. Fifty eight of the fifty nine Jewish synagogues were destroyed, and the Jews were forcible evicted. Read more about The Ethnic Cleansing of Jerusalem

Palestine: Ethnic Cleansing and war crimes in Gush Etzion

Here is another place where ethnic cleansing took place in Palestine, Gush Etzion. This is a guard post in Gush Etzion before it was ethnically cleansed by Palestinian Arab irregulars, with the aid the British imperialists and the Transjordan legion. The Legion and the forces they led are also responsible for the massacre of defenders who had surrendered at Gush Etzion, Since this crime was committed by an organized army, it is a war crime.

Read more about the Gush Etzion Massacre

More Ethnic Cleansing and Massacres in Palestine:

Gush Etzion Remembered - The Kfar Etzion Massacre

Arab Riots and Massacres of 1929

Hebron Massacre

The Great Uprising: The Arab Revolt in Palestine

The Hadassah Convoy Massacre

Palestine Massacre: Safed 1834

Zionism Brave Shot

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