
Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Secret History of Neturei Karta

By Mordechai Levy

Recently a major scandal broke over a group of religious-looking Jews belonging to the Neturei Karta sect speaking at a "Holocaust is a Hoax" conference sponsored by the anti-Semitic President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmedinejad. After it came out that top neo- Nazi leaders and the former KKK leader David Duke would be in attendance, many Jews, especially in the Orthodox community, were truly angered at Jewish attendees. Many Chassidic groups blasted the Neturei Karta in public.

In the past, we've seen them picket with various Islamic terrorist groups, chanting "Death to Israel" at rallies. Few, if any, however, knew that the full extent of Neturei Karta’s connections to neo-Nazis and Moslem terrorists.

Neturei Karta has an actual office in Monsey, N.Y. In recent month, they honored top Lieutenants of Louis Farrakhan, a long time Jew-hating Black racist who runs the violently anti-Semitic and anti-White "Nation of Islam".

Neturei Karta has shared podiums with Farrakhan in Washington, D.C. at his Million Families March four years ago. They also came out with banner claiming that "Farrakhan is a Friend of the Jews!"

On other occasions NK would lie on TV, denying that Farrakhan has ever made anti-Semitic remarks.

Many may ask, "when did NK start helping various Jew-hating groups and why?"

We will now list briefly the real history of NK, which most reporters simply don’t know. It’s is sordid and very scandaloud, but has to be told.

The first known contact with Arab terrorists was in 1974 when Yassir Arafat was at the UN with a gun on his hip threatening to destroy Israel. Arafat mentioned NK in his speech.

NK ran an ad in the NY Times welcoming Arafat to New York and praising him, and made it clear that NK hoped the PLO would succeed in their efforts to destroy the Jews in Israel.

Now, NK used code word for Jews is "Zionists." At the time, the new head of NK in Israel was Rabbi Moshe Hirsch, who later served as Palestinian Authority's Minister for Jewish Affair. At the time when NK would run actual ads a number of times each year, many wondered where the NK got the $50,000 per ad that the NK types simply did not have.

Many Jewish activists had come across rumors that NK was getting big money from Arab terrorist groups. In the meantime NK in the US had several main persons behind it. One was a mysterious Rabbi Beck, the other Mordechai Weberman, the third was "Rabbi" Yisroel David Weiss of Monsey, who later would be the spokesman of the group.

The main contributor to the group was G. Neuberger a businessman from NY. Neuberger assigned his secretary Hariet Karchmer to work full time for the group. Karchmer, Jewish but not Orthodox, would open the incoming mail that NK was sent from various Arab terror groups and neo-Nazis from across the US. At one point after reading all these anti-Jewish screeds put out by the assorted anti-Semitic groups she came to the opinion that both the Jews as a race were evil and that the Holocaust was a Hoax.

At the time, NK traveled to Libya to meet teror-sponsor Muammar Quadaffi and attend a conference against Israel and Zionism. It was Neuberger that led the "Jewish Delegation" to top Moslem terrorist money-man Quadaffi. At the time without a doubt NK took money secretly from Libya.

In the early 1980’s, NK follower Betzalel Chaim submitted an article in the Holocaust-denying magazine "Journal of Historical Review" and not only blasted the Zionists and the state of Israel, but even claiming just like Weiss would last week in Iran that the Holocaust numbers of Jews murdered was a "big Zionist invention." A year ago, members of NK went to a Holocaust Hoax meeting made by neo-Nazis in America saying the same thing. Mr Chaim owned a bookstore in Williamsburg, Brooklyn where many Chassidim live. Most Jews there had no idea that NK had made contact with hardcore neo-Nazis.

From that point on NK started corresponding and meeting with numerous neo-nazis secretly. They tried helping assorted neo-nazis in England. NK in the late 1980’s and the 1990’s appeared at more and more Islamic groups various Jew-Hating "Death to Israel" rallies.

Now an open attendance at a "Holocaust is a Hoax" conference in Iran run by the man who wants to destroy Israel. In fact a month ago NK showed up at the hotel where Ahmedinejad was staying at in New York they gave him a clay pot of flowers.

Further NK made a public statement that its alright for Iran to have nuclear weapons as it will only be used against Israel. In one interview for some radical Islamic pro-terror magazine they are asked by the interviewer if Islamic groups are allowed in NK’s opinon to use terror attacks against Jews in Israel. NK representative answered, "absolutely yes!"

At all meetings with both Arab terror groups, NK has asked that when the "legitimate" uprising against Jews be it Israel or America that NK will be spared! They believe that any Jew who does not work to physically destroy Israel has no reason to be " saved" but deserves to be killed by Arab terrorists. In fact one New York NK member, Joseph Friemann, thought he had "every right" to hate, torture, and kill his own mother.

JDO and the Vaad Harrabonim of Flatbush are organizing a loud-legal-lawful rally at the Headquarters of the Neturei Karta traitors in Monsey on Sunday January 7 at 1 PM at 102 Saddle River Road Monsey. To learn more, visit and read about "Operation Screwball".

Mordechai Levy is the National Director of the Jewish Defense Organization (JDO).

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