
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Complete Guide to Pedophilia in Islam

by Amar Khan


There has been a great deal of debate over pedophilia in Islam. We, ex-Muslims, have collected a lot of data in bits and pieces regarding the pedophilic character of Muhammad. For the readers, particularly those with limited access to Internet around the world, to have an access to all the data regarding Islamic pedophilia with a single click, I have compiled them into a booklet. Many authors have contributed to forking out the information contained in this book and credit should go mostly to them. The following main contributors deserve a special mention:

1. Hector [forum, Faith Freedom International]
2. Khalil Feriel [forum, Faith Freedom International]
3. Yezeevee [forum, Faith Freedom International]
4. Abdul Kasem

I urge readers to distribute this e-book among your fellows. You can email that to anyone. If you want your offspring to live on the planet earth happily, in peace, then Islam is to be tamed or eradicated.

We have to reach the Muslim youth before the jihadis reach them. If we can not reach them ahead of the jihadis, the world will suffer. If you want to save the world, stop terrorism and stop oppression then you will have to tell people the truth of Islam and its founder.

Forward it to others; perhaps your email stops a suicide bomber or someone from funding terrorism. Your single click of the mouse may save human blood, which is being shed in the jihad for Islam, which, in all likelihood, will increase further in the time ahead.

Perhaps, your distribution of this book will alleviate sufferings of the billion-plus Muslims, who are the primary victim of Islam. It will, perhaps, many nations from horrendous attacks like theThousands of Deadly Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9/11 9/11 (US), 7/7 (London), 3/11 (Madrid) and 11/26 (Mumbai). Perhaps your action slow, and eventually stop, the site meter of Islamic terror attacks, which stands at 12690 today since 9/11.

This meter is running very fast. We do not know who will fall victim to the next Islamic terror or suicide attack: maybe me, maybe you. Your sharing this e-book with your friends, colleagues and contacts may reduce the chances of you and I be the next victim. We at the Islam watch and faith freedom are working hard to save the world from the atrocious demon, called Islam.

The work done here is voluntary. Dr. Ali Sina and M.A. Khan have left their jobs and working on this most pressing issue of our time at great personal sacrifice. You can support and help this venture in any way possible: you can promote us, give our link to others, talk about us or share our contents in other forums.

About the editor

I was born in Pakistan as an atheist. Then Islam, a cult, was imposed upon me as a religion. Muslim invaders who conquered large parts of my country forced my ancestors to convert to their religion. Once one generation succumbed to Islam, the successive generations were either threatened or brainwashed so that they would never leave this evil cult. My forefathers were even used by Muslim invaders to spread their evil faith and empire. I was a fundamentalist Muslim with beard. I, however, managed to realize that Islam, in the guise of a religion, is actually an imperialistic ideology, similar to Nazism. It is like a net with the spider waiting for the big meal. It spreads through aggression and deception. It is time that we all try to understand 'what Islam truly is' and unite humankind to confront this vicious doctrine of hate. This book is a small step in that direction.


Amaar khan

You Might Also Like to Read:

Pedophilia in the Quran

Pedophilia in the Hadith

Pedophilia in Islamic Fatwas

Conclusion of Pedophilia in Islam

Islam's Watch


  1. This is TOTALLY WRONG and SOOOO SILLY !!! Islam is far a way from such myths !!
    I don't know from where the writer had such hostile views about Islam !!
    however, what i know and am sure about is that Islam is a pure and elegant religion.. and the profit Mohammad (peace be upon him) was known to be truthful, honest, trustworthy, generous, and sincere. The Prophet Muhammad was a perfect example of an honest, just, merciful, compassionate, truthful, and brave human being. Though he was a man, he was far removed from all evil characteristics and strove solely for the sake of God.

    I would like to kindly invite all those who may hear such violations to the essence of Islam to search and find the truth by themselves...

    Islam will always be in my heart,, it is Islam that made me feel how worthy i am, how beautiful the world is, how peaceful the living is, and how it is so nice and wonderful to help and love ....

    Profit Mohammad... peace be upon you !!

    1. Im sure you are not aware of everything in this world..there are people who spend decades of their lives to do research about facts of the world and spread that to the people who are alive . You need to read this first before jumping to conclusions...
