Islam is based on Quran and Sunnah (practices of Mohamed). About 1.2-billion people believe in Islam and it is known to its followers Muslims in many ways, such as by birth, conversion, and study. Most Muslims adopt Islam due to their birth to Muslim parents. Among all these Muslims, most of them are familiar with Islam by faith and little practices. However, Islam is not limited with prayers, hajj, jakat, and fast only. Islam is supposed to be the example of Mohamed (the founder) and what Quran emphasises, and all Muslims are required to obey.
In reality, Islam is far away from the ideal of a religion when Quran and Hadis (Sunnah) are thoroughly read. The majority Muslims are not even near Islam and it is not honestly known to them. Imams, Mullahs, or such people who spend their lives on Islam represent the picture of Islam. A literal study in Islam reveals Islam as follows.
1) Mohamed does not qualify as a good person,
2) Quran is a confusing book and its teaching creates hate and fight and takes away the rights of women and non-Muslims,
3) Islam fails to provide appropriate guidance for entire mankind, and
4) More importantly, a) Islam wants to dominate the whole word b) it wants to impose its own law to every citizen.
1) The founder of Islam: The very important factor of Islam is Mohamed. In order to know a religion, it is mandatory to know the originator very well, whether he represents the messages of God. While paying full attention to the biography of Mohamed, unfortunately he is far from a holy being. He waged wars against non-Muslims, killed, and forced them to embrace his religion. He assassinated his enemies. He captured and later raped women like Safia and Jawaraiha. He was sexually attracted to a child. He looted commodities of civilians and made halal for his team (8:69, 48:20) and many more.
Now some questions arise whether this man sent by God or not and humankind choose his religion or not.
Even if people do not care of what Mohamed did in the past, Islam can still be acceptable. But a few more questions to ponder again. Quran says he is a perfect example to follow and a mercy for entire humankind. So Mohamed's examples are an integral part of Islam. During his prophecy, he looted and wage wars against infidels for Islam; he punished the thieves by cutting their hands and feet; he killed people who spoke against his brand religion; he raped and married a child of 9 years old. For human beings, none of these examples is possible to follow. If anyone desires to copy his practices completely, he will definitely end up his life living in jail.
2) Holy Book Quran: Muslims believe in Quran by heart, but it is totally a confusing book. It has no chapter, no chronology. This book is loaded with mistakes in grammar, math, logics, and science. Monotheistic God of Islam is serving himself as "We" and "Us". Without the history context of every Sura, this book cannot be understood. Anyways, it is acceptable but important to know the contents of Quran.
Quran grants different rights to women and minorities. Women cannot enjoy full rights as men. Women do not have the freedom to change husbands while men do deliberately. This book lowers the rights of minorities and asks to pay penalty taxes unless they submit into Islam. Both Quran and Hadith stress to kill anyone who leaves Islam or proselytize. Quran asks Muslims to brutally kill anyone who speaks against or wants to change Islam. Quran asks married Muslim men to have sex with slaves (23:01 - 06, 33:50, 33:52).
Quran says to avoid Jews, Christians, and other non-Muslim who can never be brothers of Muslims (5:51, 3:28). Quran teaches to hate even to own brothers and fathers if they do not believe in Islam ( 3:28, 9:23). It is an obstacle of humanity. A Muslim is not religiously allowed to associate with others just because they do not believe in Islam.
3) Missing Information: Through a study in Islamic sources, there is no special good stuff in Islam. Yes, there is some good, but this does not say better than other books. Islam is claimed to be the true religion but fails to provide with appropriate guidelines that entire humankind needs.
Islam explains the feature of males and females but badly fails to describe about hermaphrodites. They are also part of human beings. A true religion must care for hermaphrodites for this life and afterlife.
Based on the rotation of the sun and moon, Islam schedules prayers, fast, and so on. This was the idea of ancient people that reflects in many religions and cultures. In Islam, praying and fasting time is timed when the sun and moon move their courses. However, it is unknown to people how they in the northern part of the world would perform prayers and observe fasting. Over there, the length of day and night is six months long each, and many countries have very longer daylight and darkness. In this case, performing prayers and observing fast are really confusing. Islam does not provide this information and Muslims solely need to use their intelligence to figure out, which implies they are smarter than Islam.
Islam does not say any story about religions, people and culture of Eastern Asia, Australia, Americas and many parts of the world. A religion that is true must include the fact of every part of the world. It is very ambiguous to think how people in those places would be able to practise Islam and why they are supposed to go to hell without knowing Islam. It is a solid piece of absurdity that God ignores the other human beings but will put them in hell for eternity.
4) The Goal of Islam: People might forget the past of Islam and be able to practise it personally. But it is very, very important to the world that Islam wants to topple the will of people, democracy and culture, and rule the world. Dominating the world with Sharia is an emphasised part of Islam.
Mohamed used religious sentiment to make the people believe in the doctrine of his religion and used them to take over the land of Jews, Christians, and Pagans. He did not stop here. He made a religious obligatory for Muslims to fight for Islam and impose Islamic law all over the world.
Stealing is a crime, but people do not want to cut the hand of a thief. Offence is always bad, but people do not want to flog the guilty. Adultery is a crime, but a sensible human will never stone the guilty to death. Drinking is not good for health, but cultured people never want to flog the drinker. The world wants to go by its own rules. It does not need to adopt the 7th century Bedouin tradition.
Muslim Immigrants to the West must destroy the welcoming and loving culture of their host countries and impose Islamic law in the lands, if they truly go by Quran and Hadis. Islam's ultimate goal is to convert the developed world including all other non-Muslim countries to Islamic paradises like Saudi Arab, Iran, or Talibani Afghanistan.
People always want to live with their own freedom and expect others to enjoy it. But Islam will take it away as soon as it becomes powerful. Islam will impose its own policy that will force people to obey Islamic tyranny.
All four factors mentioned above prove that Islam meaningfully loses concepts of an ideal religious conviction. People must make a choice between reality and falsehood. Islam is completely different faith that cannot stand near the border of humanism, truth, and tolerance. In general, Islam has various parts that appear when it is scrutinised thoroughly.
Here are some core examples of Islam:
* Islam divides human beings into Muslims and Kafirs, which makes Muslims underestimate Kaffirs.
* Islam will put non-Muslims in hell for eternity.
* Islamic punishments and justice are brutal and inhuman (stoning, flogging, beheading).
* Islam is alien to modern culture and democracy.
* Islam keeps Muslims busy in it therefore progression in modernity is fuzzy among them.
* Islam's founder was not a good person.
* Islam has its own law, and it wants to take over the world and impose its rules.
* Islam takes away the rights of women and non-Muslims.
* Islam blocks the freedom and free speech.
* Islam can make Muslims as wild as hyenas while taking revenge.
* Islam encourages fighting and war.
* Islam kills Murtads (Islam leavers) and critics.
* Islam authorizes polygamy for men.
* Islam does not allow women to divorce.
* Islam produces terrorists / Jihadists / muftis (fighters of Islam).
* Islam forces Muslims to pray and fast.
* Islam forces women to wear burkas (veils).
Islam encourages provoking pre-existence fight (that happened 1,400 years ago) against Jews and Christians, it means this faction of hate is never-ending.
In reality, Islam has produced the following scenarios over the last 1,400 years:
* For Islam, 11 September (9/11) has occurred.
* For Islam, Islamic world has no good invention.
* For Islam, some or many Muslims talk nonsense and insult others.
* For Islam, world security is now under a threat.
* For Islam, Muslims are now becoming suspicious to the West.
* For Islam, People in Palestine, Kashmir etc cannot get along with others.
* For Islam, non-Muslims cannot bring their holy books in Saudi and cannot travel to Mecca and Medina.
* For Islam, Muslims are lying too much nowadays creating websites and publishing books.
* For Islam, many innocent people lost their body parts when charged as robbers or thieves but later found no guilty.
* For Islam, oil-rich countries raise funds for expansion, which breeds more extremism and terrorism.
* For Islam, a faithful Muslim can kill another human being.
* For Islam, Muslims become part of Umma and forget his nationality.
* For Islam, the world has much warfare.
* For Islam, hundreds of bombs are exploding and killing innocent people including Muslims in restaurants, hotels, buses, trains, beaches, and many places.
* For Islam, Muslims have conflicts with western/modern culture (e.g. riots in France, Britain, etc).
* For Islam, every media is loaded with Islamic madness news.
* For Islam, some Muslims are still fighting non-Muslims in many Muslim and non-Muslim countries.
* For Islam, thousands of people had to give their lives for religious conflicts.
* For Islam, honour killing is frequent to Muslims families.
* For Islam, many sects like Shia and Ahmedia have grown, and Sunnis and the sects have been fighting since the birth of sects, which caused huge devastations and millions of lives.
These days, Islam has been a centre point of discussion everywhere in the world. People are wondering what actually Islam is. Islam is very complicated, which has various impacts on every walk of life. If there is anything that creates similar shapes, that must be discussed along with Islam. Lie cannot defeat the truth. The truth is that Islam is not a right choice for human beings. The more it is practiced, the more fascism, extremism, and terrorism increase.

Islam Watch
Imran Hossain is a Fool...! why I am telling like this is, how a person who does not understand anything about Islam, can tell or criticize about Islam. This is Impossible and non other than foolosh. If I am wrong or anyone wants to comment on my comment, just try it on my email address,
This is completely wrong, coming from a religious Christian who studied Islam and lived with Muslims. If you know the real Muslims you'd never say anything like this. they represent honesty and they do the right thing without waiting for a giveback or even a thank you they do it just for their god "Allah". This is like you're talking about whole another thing and a completely different religion. You obviously know nothing about Islam and the Muslims. Some extremists are violent because they misunderstand Islam - just like you do- but not the normal Muslims. I suggest you study more of this topic before you talk and publish articles that promotes your misconceptions and wrong beliefs.
ReplyDeletethis person hueva he is a a total prik hu doesnt understand ANYTHING about islam, he shows he knows eveything when clearly he is as the above statement reads a fool an ignorant dikhead hu slanders about the holy prophet the man who no man in this world will come close to he dares speak ill of him. well i say like our lord allah says let you speak now for in the day of judgemnt in the final hour u will see Allahs wrath and you will wish u neva said all this and u will regret making this page.
ReplyDeleteu think about what you wrote u moron!
ReplyDeleteif some one else is raped and that rapist is sentenced its cruel and unjust- Do you mean that act of rape is justified and actually what a boon?? God forbid if 2morrow some1 u really care abt is a victim of such an act then wudnt u want the same punishment for the criminal? There are always 2 sides of a coin if not more
ReplyDeleteYou cannot hold double standards---
You dont want some1 to call u kaafir-you dont want to go in hell-
-theres a solution- very simple and easy-
just become a Muslim-
Muslim is 1 who submits his will to the Almighty-and thats alright coz half the time we are wrong anyway-so why not listen to One who knows everything and can actually tell you-what to do and not- whats so difficult in that-Dude- He's ur creator!! and it is/gonna help only you
Imagine ther's this Aston Martin(car-ok)
You cant judge the car by the driver- Nah! You have to see the car not its commuter or driver or so-
Dude-You can never say some1 is wrong that strongly-coz u clearly dont know! Dont ask anybody- For once without bearing any prejudice(its only harming you)read the Qura'an in context-in the book(not in internet-u never kno whats there on net)
Things will change if not the entire world atleast ur own- You want to know more about the Prophet get a book "When the Moon Split"- You will get real facts and not random gibberish(honestly-prophet got attracted to a child-d'you even kno what u r saying-Its pathetic and cheap attack if nothing else coz its FALSE)-
RELAX. Take a deep breath- Be a better human by understanding what u dont- if u cant then dont pass comments(u dont kno- thats the least u can do)-------
The Bible indicated that Muhammad S.A.W is more righteous than Jesus. He is a perfect man. The Bible too says that Jesus is a messenger of god but many popes changed the bible to suit their own needs. The Bible was made by god. Since the christians have changed it, its no longer gods word isnt it? The bible says thatr you must noy eat pork and that Women christians are to wear veils. I dont see that among christian people.
ReplyDeleteYou know you're just inviting people to mock your ignorance by keeping this thing up. This article is nothing but your opinion. You obviously are extremely gullible to media.Proof, you criticize the Palestinians in Palestine (yes, that's the country's name, NOT Israel). In reality, millions of Palestinians die at the hands of the so called 'innocent' Israel.
ReplyDeleteAbout Islam being unable to fit in the modern world, well that's just one of your lies. Is your definition of 'modern' to walk around half naked, sticking to men, drugs, clubs, and all that sort of stuff? That's like the Stone Age, man! In the early B.C.s, people were half naked, stuck to a guy for a mate, tried eating stuff that were usually poisonous, and many of your 'modern' ideas. Allah says in the Quran that Islam can work in 'anytime, anyplace'
If you say the Quran is confusing, that's because:
You probably took the opinion of someone else
You didn't even read it
You tried to but couldn't because it's in ARABIC!
I understand Arabic because I am bilingual and I've read it so many time, it so easy to comprehend! My elementary brother can understand it, shame on you! I don't understand a word in French, but that doesn't mean it's confusing! I don't understand the Bible, but it's not confusing to Christens who follow it!
Mohamed (PEACE BE UPON HIM) was practically the perfect human. He was kind, gentle although very muscular, understanding, very humble. He married numerous wives and most of them were old, he married them to take care of them because they were old. He had so many friends and they all loved him. He was so humble he never bought clothes unless his current clothing was completely ruined.
This article made me scoff, it just shows what you know.
Islam is NOT about Muslims. TRUE Islam is based on its earliest teachings, which if you cared to study and then were honest with everyone...you'd see to be much more like the accounts given by Mr Hossain than any moderate (read twisted, watered down and impotent) version of Islam, made politically correct and put forward so often today as "The True Islam".
ReplyDeleteIslam is the religion of (not peace) but of submission under Allah and acceptance of Muhammad as the Prophet/Messenger of Allah and of submission under Islamic (Sharia) law OF THE WHOLE WORLD. That "peace" enough? That is why strict adherents (and I say strict because if most Muslims knew and believed their own writings and acted on them, then they would also be strict adherents - so, currently they obviously are not) fight in the cause of Allah and his Messenger.
At first the Prophet would not fight, then only as defensive acts, then as offensive acts to further the spread of Islam. That is what we see worldwide today. Yes, those brutal terrorists are actually the "good Muslims". The ones who know what they believe and act on it.
Until the whole world submits under Islam.
The Quran has 123 (yes, killing as easy as 1..2..3) verses exhorting violence against unbelievers.
Friends, Satan has you fooled, Muhammad's coming was not foretold in either the Torah or Bible. Well, not gloriously - the Bible does tell of "false prophets" who will come. Muhammad is such a false prophet.
The true and real and only Messiah has already come. His name is Jesus Christ. Christ denoting his position and uniqueness. He IS God incarnate.
"Do you think God a man that he should think as one?" Should we then limit God to be one person as a man? Should we be so arrogant to teach Almighty God how He should BE? When Moses asked Him who He was, He answered "I am". That is right, God is so unique and perfect, so indistinguishable from any and all other that He may simply answer by saying "I am". No more.
Jesus is the only way to be reconciled to God. Through His miraculous resurrection we may one day share in the glory and GIFT of everlasting LIFE! "As the Father has life in Himself, so the Son has life in Himself". "I have the power to lay down my life and to take it up again". "He who sees Me, sees the Father, for the Father and I ARE ONE".
That IS monotheism! The Spirit of the Father in the Son, three, one, three, one in essence, one in character, one in person, one in power, one in glory, one God, ONE GOD!
By accepting Jesus as your ONLY MEANS OF SALVATION, you WILL BE SAVED! Amen!
Islam is NOT about Muslims. TRUE Islam is based on its earliest teachings, which if you cared to study and then were honest with everyone...you'd see to be much more like the accounts given by Mr Hossain than any moderate (read twisted, watered down and impotent) version of Islam, made politically correct and put forward so often today as "The True Islam".
ReplyDeleteIslam is the religion of (not peace) but of submission under Allah and acceptance of Muhammad as the Prophet/Messenger of Allah and of submission under Islamic (Sharia) law OF THE WHOLE WORLD. That "peace" enough? That is why strict adherents (and I say strict because if most Muslims knew and believed their own writings and acted on them, then they would also be strict adherents - so, currently they obviously are not) fight in the cause of Allah and his Messenger.
At first the Prophet would not fight, then only as defensive acts, then as offensive acts to further the spread of Islam. That is what we see worldwide today. Yes, those brutal terrorists are actually the "good Muslims". The ones who know what they believe and act on it.
Until the whole world submits under Islam.
The Quran has 123 (yes, killing as easy as 1..2..3) verses exhorting violence against unbelievers.
Friends, Satan has you fooled, Muhammad's coming was not foretold in either the Torah or Bible. Well, not gloriously - the Bible does tell of "false prophets" who will come. Muhammad is such a false prophet.
The true and real and only Messiah has already come. His name is Jesus Christ. Christ denoting his position and uniqueness. He IS God incarnate.
"Do you think God a man that he should think as one?" Should we then limit God to be one person as a man? Should we be so arrogant to teach Almighty God how He should BE? When Moses asked Him who He was, He answered "I am". That is right, God is so unique and perfect, so indistinguishable from any and all other that He may simply answer by saying "I am". No more.
Jesus is the only way to be reconciled to God. Through His miraculous resurrection we may one day share in the glory and GIFT of everlasting LIFE! "As the Father has life in Himself, so the Son has life in Himself". "I have the power to lay down my life and to take it up again". "He who sees Me, sees the Father, for the Father and I ARE ONE".
That IS monotheism! The Spirit of the Father in the Son, three, one, three, one in essence, one in character, one in person, one in power, one in glory, one God, ONE GOD!
By accepting Jesus as your ONLY MEANS OF SALVATION, you WILL BE SAVED! Amen!
Excellent article. Islam is a cruel philosophical approach; it is not a religion but a system that serves a Satanic man, Mohammed.