On Monday, Gaza flotilla “activists” used brutal violence masquerading as peace. Nonetheless, a disturbingly massive portion of the world has dubbed the events a “massacre” and an IDF atrocity.
Yet the facts are simple and straightforward: The IDF warned those aboard the Marmara that their presence in the area was not welcomed, in line with international law. The army encouraged the flotilla to sail safely, along with all of its humanitarian aid, to a different port. Yet the flotilla sailed on, and the IDF boarded the ship, as would any naval force contending with this situation.
Navy soldiers were greeted with metal pipes, baseball bats, and knives. The violence was documented on various, widely circulated YouTube clips. Soldiers found weapons, not posters and flyers, encountering people who cried out for peace but fought ruthlessly. The troops then defended themselves, hitting back at those who attacked them.
This tale is clear-cut. In fact, there isn't much to debate. Entering waters in a bid to breach a security blockade warrants a naval response. Completely unsolicited violence warrants defensive measures. What's there to discuss?
Deluded global approach
The Gaza-bound flotilla flagrantly lied and disgraced the “peace” that many in the Middle East are wholeheartedly yearning for. The proof is on video, for all to see and hear. The real issue at hand is the refusal of the global media, among others, to grasp and reflect the reality in this region of the world.
The reality is that Israel is and has been attacked on several fronts, by various means - rockets, missiles, bombs, ships, and so on. Thankfully, the IDF is a competent military with soldiers who are able to respond appropriately in order to defend the nation that it serves.
Yet when the IDF defends itself and its people, media outlets use death tolls in order to accuse Israel of using disproportionate force or perpetrating “massacres.” But death tolls do not tell the whole story. Just watch the video footage.
Unfortunately, global reaction highlights the deluded approach that much of the world takes at this time when it comes to our region. Yet the only massacre that occurred Monday was the brutal massacre of the truth. So long as so-called peaceniks wage war on peace and on the truth, and as long as the world buys into it, peace will remain unattainable.
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