I compiled 40 of them that apeaking on the Israeli Arab conflict.
If he tells the truth will he survive?
What is the future for his blind followers?
1) The Lie: The only issue now is suicide bombers. And when did the suicide bombings begin?
Last year [2001], on a major scale. One year of Palestinian crimes against Israel after thirty four years of quiet.
Israel had been nearly immune. I mean, there were terrorist attacks on Israel but not from within the occupied territories.
The Truth: Suicide bombings in Israel began in 1994, less than a year after the Oslo Accords that created the Palestinian Authority. Hundreds of Israelis died in suicide bombings and other terrorist attacks from the West Bank and Gaza before the collapse of the peace process in late 2000.
2) The Lie: as soon as the current fighting began last September 30 [2000], Israel immediately, the next day, began using US helicopters to attack civilian targets. In the next couple of days they killed several dozen people in apartment complexes and elsewhere. The fighting was all in the occupied territories, and there was no Palestinian fire. The Palestinians were using stones.
The Truth: Palestinian forces were using gunfire. Reports spoke of Palestinians sniping from rooftops and inside abandoned buildings; referred to gunmen shooting at the Israelis, causing the army to send helicopter gunships to provide cover fire for rescuers; and stated that Israeli troops and Palestinian gunmen shot at each other.
3) The Lie: [In 1982] the US-backed Israeli attack on Lebanon brought the superpowers close to nuclear confrontation as Israel attacked the forces of a Soviet ally, Syria, which had not attempted to impede the Israeli onslaught.
The Truth: The superpowers did not come close to nuclear confrontation; the Soviets did not threaten war in support of Syria and barely reacted to the first Syrian-Israeli clashes.
4) The Lie: [Israel was] holding the city [of Beirut] hostage in an effort to compel the PLO to withdraw completely, as it did, to save the city from total destruction.
The Truth: Far from trying to save the population, the PLO was threatening its annihilation. Yasser Arafat warned that ìif the Israelis attempted to break into West Beirut, the PLO would simultaneously blow up 300 ammunition dumps and bring holocaust down on the city.
5) The Lie: Whether the PLO will be able to maintain the image of heroism with which it left Beirut [in 1982] is another question as Israel and its partisans desperately hope, the PLO, under conditions of dispersal and disarray, may return to random terrorism and abandon its dangerous posture of political accommodation.
The Truth: Before the 1982 war, the PLO sponsored terrorists all over the world, including neo-Nazis; made preparations to bombard Israeli cities; and committed extensive atrocities in Lebanon.242 During the war, PLO heroism included using child soldiers and placing military targets next to schools, hospitals, churches and apartment buildings.
6) The Lie: ìThe 1973 war was a clear case of an Arab attack, but on territory occupied by Israel, after diplomatic attempts at [a] settlement had been rebuffed. Hence it is hardly an undisputed historical factí that in this case the war had to do with ëthe existence of the Jewish state.
The Truth: Syria pledged to ìregain our positions in our occupied land and continue then until we liberate the whole land.239 Egypt announced: The issue is not just the liberation of the Arab territories occupied since June 5, 1967Ö [for] if the Arabs are able to liberate their territories occupied since June 5, 1967 by force, what can prevent them in the next stage from
liberating Palestine itself by force?
7) The Lie: ìIt is not even controversial that in 1967 Israel attacked Egypt. Jordan and Syria entered the conflict much as England and France went to war when Germany attacked their ally Poland in 1939 [i.e., to defend an ally].
The Truth: Israel was defending itself against forcible blockade by Egypt. Nasser had stated: We knew that by closing the Gulf of Aqaba it might mean war with Israel the objective [of war] will be to destroy Israel. Egypt had warned Israel that either it will die by strangulation in the wake of the Arab military and economic blockade, or it will die by shooting from the Arab forces surrounding it in the south, north and east. Syria and the other Arab regimes also declared that their goal was to destroy Israel.
8) The Lie: [An Israeli expert] observes that ëthe Arabsí objective of destroying the state of Israel drives them to [seek] genocide. This is a possible, but not an absolutely necessary, interpretation of such proposals.
The Truth: In 1948, the Arab League announced a war of extermination and a momentous massacre. In 1967, Syria wanted to explode Zionist existence. Iraq planned to get rid of the Zionist cancer in Palestine. The PLO vowed that ìno-one will remain alive. The 1968 PLO covenant pledged to destroy the Zionist and imperialist presence in Palestine. In 1979, the PLO warned that there will be only Arabs in this part of the world and promised to shed rivers of blood when destroying Israel.
9) The Lie: It might be noted that the boundaries of Zionist aspirations in Ben-Gurionís vision were quite broad, including southern Lebanon, southern Syria, today's Jordan, all of cis-Jordan, and the Sinai.
The Truth: The archives show that Ben-Gurion rejected expansionism: When we agreed to the Partition Plan, we accepted it in all honesty. We did this not because the plan was good or just, but because a small area received through peaceful means was preferable to us than a large area won by fighting.
The Lie: Israel and Jordan were acting in accord with a secret agreement to partition Palestine in 1947-8, both of them regarding the Palestinian leadership as a primary enemy.
The Truth: The Zionists told Jordanís King Abdallah that ìwe could not promise to help his incursion into the country, since we would be obliged to observe the UN Resolution for the establishment of two states in Palestine (Golda Meir). Israelís leaders took the unanimous view that an Arab Palestine is here to stay (Moshe Sharett) and that ìwe will not be able to agree lightly to the annexation of parts of Palestine to Transjordan (David Ben-Gurion).
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