Yet it's historical and scientific blunders are numerous..
Islam teaches that Hagar was Abraham's first wife..the Torah says Hagar was Sarah's handmaiden, or bondwoman.....Hagar was never Abraham's wife..she was a maid...a servant...who had a child for Abraham because Sarah was barren and couldn't conceive. Eventually Sarah did conceive and Hagar was cast into the desert with Ishmael her son.
The Muslims misquote the Bible claiming the "freewoman" wife of Abraham was Hagar when it was Sarah. Hagar was the bondwoman, servant of Sarah. In other words, Sarah was Abraham's wife, Hagar was his mistress. When Isaac was born, Ishmael and Hagar were cast away from Abraham and sent into the desert away from him and Sarah.
Ishmael was promised to be a great nation, and today he is, but the blessings of Abraham and Yahweh's covenant went through Isaac and his seedline.
Biblically speaking, the land of Israel rightfully belongs to the Jews because God promised and gave the land to Abraham, the Father of the Jews, and renewed this promise or covenant to Abraham's son Isaac and to Isaac's son Jacob (later renamed Israel by God) who begat twelve sons from whom the twelve tribes of Israel was established as a nation as described in Genesis 12:1-3; 17:7,8 and 17:19-21.
The state of Israel is a constant reminder to the world that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is alive and that one billion Arabs can't keep them from possessing their promised land.
The Koran teaches that the world is flat. This doctrine is believed by Islamic scholars even today. The Bible revealed that the earth is round in Isaiah 40:22. "It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth".
If the Qur'an is a true miracle of God - why is it so filled with historical, scientific and other errors, including simple math? Wouldn't we expect an all-knowing Allah to be better student of history, science and math? Especially if he was getting his information straight from "God Himself"?
Muhammad had obviously heard some Bible stories, but he seems to have got them confused and mixed up when it came out in his prophetic utterances. It is quite apparent that the Qu'ran is simply the product of hearsay and imperfect editing from a plurality of traditions then known to Muhammad.
Historical errors in the Qur'an:
The Historical, Scientific, simple mathematics and theological contradictions in the Qur'an are too numerous to list. Remember, since Muhammad already proclaimed the Jewish Torah/Christian Old Testament (Taurat) as correct in Qur'an 5:46/47 and 43:63 then the following gross errors that differ with the Torah are inexcusable. These errors their selves scream out the Qur'an itself is entirely false. Here are just a few:
In Sura 2:241 Muhammad confuses the persons of Saul and Gideon.
In Sura 2:55-60 the Israelites were said to be "a scanty band" vastly inferior to the Egyptians. But in Exodus 1:7-10 the Egyptian king said to his people that the Israelites had become "more and mightier than we".
The Koran confused the sister of Moses (Miriam) with Mary, the mother of Jesus.
In Hebrew, Miriam and Mary are the same names.
Muhammad taught that Mary the mother of Jesus was the sister of Aaron and Moses -
who lived 1,500 years earlier.
Do you remember the evil Persian Haman who conspired to kill all the Jews during the time of Esther in the Babylonian captivity. In the Koran, Muhammad incorrectly taught that this wicked man Haman was the prime minister of the Egyptian Pharaoh. Throughout the Quran--Nimrod and Abraham, Haman and Moses, Mary and Aaron, the tower of Babel and Pharaoh were all pictured as living and working together. Moses and the flood are also incorrectly found together. Muhammad thought these all happened at the same time.
What about Noah's son? According to Sura 21:76, Noah and his family is saved from the flood, and Sura 37:77 confirms that his seed survived. But Sura 11:42-43 reports that Noah's son drowns.
Sura 7:136, 7:59 say Noah's flood took place in Moses' day. Did anyone tell Moses that?
Sura 14:37, says Abraham lived in the valley of Mecca. The Bible says he lived in Hebron, Israel. (Genesis 13:18, 23:2, 35:27)
Sura 7:54, 10:3, 11:7, and 25:59 clearly state that God created "the heavens and the earth" in six days. But in 41:9-12 the detailed description of the creation procedure adds up to eight days.
Suras 21:51-71; 37:97,98, says that Abraham was thrown into a fire [by Nimrod]. Nimrod and Abraham did not live at the same time. Muhammad was always mixing people together in the Qur'an who did not live at the same time. The Bible tells us Nimrod lived many centuries before Abraham.
Sura 6:74, says Abraham (called millata-Ibrahim in the Qur'an) father's name was Azar. The Bible says it was Terah (Genesis 11:27).
Sura 12:21ff, says the man who bought Joseph was named Aziz. The Bible says it was Potiphar.
Sura 37:100-112, says Abraham went to sacrifice Ishmael. The Bible says it was Issac.
Sura 5:73-75,116, Muhammad mistakenly thought the Christian Trinity was 3 gods: the Father, the Mother (Mary), and the Son (Jesus).
Sura 28:8-9, says is was Pharaoh's wife who adopted Moses. The Bible says it was Pharaoh's daughter.
Sura 9:10, incorrectly says Zacharias could not speak for only three days.
Sura 20:87, 95, says the Jews made the golden calf in the wilderness at the suggestion of Samaritans. There were no Samaritans at that time.
Sura 18:85,86, says that Alexander the Great (Zul-qarinain) followed the setting sun and found that it went down into the waters of a muddy spring.
Sura 18:89-98 says Alexander the Great was a Muslim and worshiped Allah and lived to an old age. Actually, Alexander the Great died very young and was by no means a Muslim. The Greek, Alexander the Great lived from 356 - 323 B.C. (Before Jesus). He was 33 years old when he died. Muhammad and Islam did not come along till 610 A.D. (after Jesus), when Muhammad began preaching Allah and his new religion in Mecca.
This was over 900 years after Alexander the Great died.
Yusuf Ali and the Concise Dictionary of Islam confirm that Zul-qarinain in the Quran is Alexander the Great.
The Qur'an also incorrectly says Abrah's army was defeated by birds dropping stones on them. History says Abrah's army withdrew after smallpox broke out. It says; the Kabbah was build by Adam and rebuilt by Abraham. It was built by pagans to worship a black rock that fell out of the sky. Abraham never lived in Mecca.
The Quran says that man was created from a clot of blood.. the Torah says man was created from the dust of the ground.
Quran 96:1-5-
"Read! In the name of your Lord Who creates man from a clot of blood
Read! And your Lord is most generous Teaches man that which he knew not"
Other notable errors in the Qur'an:
More flip flops than John Kerry: The origin of calamity? Is the evil in our life from Satan [38:41], Ourselves [4:79], or Allah [4:78]? Can slander of chaste women be forgiven? Yes [24:5], No [24:23].
Abrogation? "The words of the Lord are perfect in truth and justice; there is NONE who can change His words." [Sura 6:115] Also see 6:34 and 10:64. But then Allah (Muhammad?) sees the need to exchange some of them for "better ones" [Sura 2:106, 16:101]. And it is not for ignorant people to question Allah because of such practices!
What is the punishment for adultery? Flogging with a 100 stripes (men and women) [Sura 24:2], "confine them to houses until death do claim them (lifelong house arrest - for the women) [Sura 4:15]. For men: "If they repent and amend, leave them alone" [Sura 4:16]. Sura 24:2 contradicts both the procedure for women and men in Sura 4. And why is the punishment for women and men equal in Sura 24 but different in
Sura 4?
Didn't Allah have a Basic Education?
It just doesn't add up: Sura 4:11-12 and 4:176 state the Qur'anic inheritance law. When a man dies, and is leaving behind three daughters, his two parents and his wife, they will receive the respective shares of 2/3 for the 3 daughters together, 1/3 for the parents together both according to verse 4:11] and 1/8 for the wife [4:12] which adds up to more than the available estate. A second example: A man leaves only his mother, his wife and two sisters, then they receive 1/3 [mother, 4:11], 1/4 [wife, 4:12] and 2/3 [the two sisters, 4:176], which again adds up to 15/12 of the available property.
Wine: Good or bad? Strong drink and ... are only an infamy of Satan's handiwork. [Sura 5:90, also Sura 2:219]. Yet on the other hand in Paradise are rivers of wine [Sura 47:15, also Suras 83:22,25]. How does Satan's handiwork get into Paradise?
Islam says that the prophecy in Bible has been fulfilled by the advent of Prophet Muhammad. Jesus says in the Bible, John 16:7 and 16:13: "If I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you, but if I depart I will send him unto you . . .We will guide you into all truth; for he shall not speak of himself but whatever he shall hear, that shall he speak . . ." The Comforter was the Holy Spirit, who did was not Muhammad, another blunder in Islam...
Contrast these blunders in the Qur'an (Koran) showing this book is NOT INSPIRED by God with this example of something really divinely inspired and accurate from the Jewish/Christian Bible:
Muslims have no hope of being saved - because no where in the Qur'an does Allah offer redemption. Muhammad himself was unsure if he would ever be allowed into Heaven.
Allah is not the God of the Jews or the Christians. Allah is in fact a Meccan Moon god idol. To confess that Allah is the same God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses is to deny Jehovah God. Sure 4, 158. 158. Nay, Allah raised him up unto Himself; and Allah is Exalted in Power.
Sura 4, 159. 159. And there is none of the People of the Book but must believe in him before his death; and on the Day of Judgment he will be a witness against them;- the ranks of those who have lost."(Qur'an 3:85)

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