
External Videos

Middle East Conflict Islam & Terrorism
Pallywood (45 min')
Palestinian journalists in order to present the Palestinians as hapless victims of "Israeli aggression."
The Third Jihad (31 min')

A must-see video clip from a new documentary on the cultural jihad already taking place in America.
What Really Happened in the Middle East (10 min') The Terrorism Awareness Project has released a powerful documentary about the Arab-Israeli conflict. Radical Islam: Terror In Its Own Words (40 min')

The warning is loud and clear: radical Islam wants to kill you. It's an hour every American must see.
Column 1 Fitna - The Movie (15 min')

Fitna is a 2008 short political film by Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders with his view on the religion of the Islam.
Column 1 The Pipeline of Hatred (7 min')

The connection between Radical Islam to the Nazis.
Column 1 The Stoning of Soraya M (10 min')
Stranded in a remote Iranian village, a woman with a harrowing tale to tell about her niece, Soraya...
Column 1 Radical Islam's War Against The West (1:05 hour)
Film about the threat of Radical Islam to Western civilization that traces the parallels between the Nazis of World War II, to the Radical Islamists of today.
Column 1 Jihad: According to the Quran and the Hadith (35 min')
The West is engaged in what has become known as “the war on terror." It seems like a noble endeavor.
Column 1 Islam: What the West Need to Know (1:38 hours)

Virtually every western leader has expressed the view that Islam is a peaceful religion.
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Israel Judaism & Jerusalem
Israel: Defying All Odds (2 min')
Only 62 years old, 7 million people strong, and smaller in size than New Jersey, surrounded by enemies.
Who Owns Jerusalem (46 min')
One of the world's leading experts on Jerusalem, Dr. Jaques Gautier discusses his twenty-five years of study on the subject.
Israel - Birth of a Nation (90 min')

A documentary on the founding of Israel in 1948.
The Jews (7 min')
The Jews‎‎ (Yehudim), also known as the Jewish people, are a nation originating in the Israelites or Hebrews.
History of Mossad (55 min')
A brief history of Mossad's formation, operations, and more.
Gog U-Magog (48 min')
An amazing spiritual experience prepared by internationally acclaimed kabalists and produced by...
IDF Around the World (6 min')
Ever when disaster occur Israel responds with rescue and emergency teams.
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